“This artwork has been designed to reflect the Navitas values and commitment to transforming lives through education with the use of Whadjuk Noongar patterns and symbols. These include the large circle representing the Navitas community and its connection to people. Circles in Noongar/Whadjuk stories generally describe a meeting place. Within each layer of the circle there are patterns that represent Navitas in unique ways. Repeated circular patterns reflect the many campuses and sites that Navitas and its colleges operate globally. I have used shapes to represent more than 6,000 employees; one resembles the letter ‘TT’ which means Man while the other more curved TT means Woman in Whadjuk. The upside ‘U’ is used across Australia by many artists including myself to represent a person who is neither gender or age specific. I have also incorporated patterns to represent weaving, binding and strengthening Navitas through the creation and implementation of its Reconciliation Action Plan. Dancing people represent Navitas in the community in all its diversity. I have adapted original Navitas symbols used to demonstrate conviction (the raised, closed fists) and rigour in enhancing the professional reputation of Navitas (modified magnifying glass). There are other more subtle symbols and patterns that reflect partnerships with more than 30 Universities around the world and commitment to caring for people and the environment.

This artwork encompasses Navitas as a whole, describes how the organisation will bring every part of itself into the Reconciliation Action Plan and reflects how Navitas can use its expertise to empower this change and movement while growing and learning side by side with First Nations peoples.”

- Marcia McGuire, artist

About the Navitas Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) artwork:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people should be aware that this document includes reference to a First Nations colleague who has passed and may also contain images or names of other deceased persons.